About Us Mediate Indonesia

Mediate Indonesia is an independent Full-service Advertising Agency, under a subsidiary of MNC Digital Entertainment, TBK (formerly known aas: MNC Studio International). We provide a complete full funnel solutions in all range of contact points, Mediate has the scope and flexibility to deliver highly successful result to support Client’s campaign with measurable outcomes for each of our client’s needs.

We are proud to have a lot of young talented members. It helps the company have a fresh edge among the competitors and has allowed us to come up with innovative ideas and concepts that prove to be attractive to clients looking for something new and exciting. That’s why we are here to “mediate” your brand promises and consumer’s needs.

Multi Media Integration (MMI)

Under PT. Mediate Indonesia, Multi Media Integrasi (MMI) is a subsidiary engaged in digital strategy and advertising agency on digital platform. These digital services include ad serving on websites and social media. MMI also develops its business in digital production which includes: digital content creative, digital activity and website development- maintenance.

MNC Group Business Unit


Video Profil: Holding MNC Digital Entertainment

Vision, Missions & Corporate Cultural Values


Our main vision is to become the best media agency for conventional, digital and new media that are currently growing in the national and international advertising industry.

  • To provide innovative and effective brands and integrated solutions that help our customers grow their business
  • Providing a complete range of services as an agent including design, printing, strategy consulting and advertisement placement in various media such as TV, billboards, newspapers, online media, radio and off air events.
Corporate Cultural Values
  • Vision : To become the trend setter and market leader in Indonesia and go global.
  • Quality : To build quality corporate cultures in the workplace.
  • Speed : To ensure that all work activities are carried out efficiently and fast.
  • Determination : To strive and persevere until the goal is achieved.


Priscilla Adhyatmasari Yudhawati
Co Lead CFO
Yuliana Lim
Co Lead CFO
Jasmina Savitri Pratiwi
Chief Operating Officer

Corporate Structure

Organizational Structure

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